Saturday, December 12, 2009

i went to this mall, and having a little fun with my brother and cousin, and of course, i went out in style,

this is it..
1. cropped codoray brown jacket
2. V-Neck purple shirt
3. Deep Dark Blue Jeans
4. Golden Studed Brown Boots, my Faves and my Trade mark style.

Monday, December 7, 2009

and this is again, my style last sunday. i went grocary shopping actually, but NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT STYLE that what i've learned from my Fave Magazine LOOKS. ahaha so then again this what i wore,
1. Lea V-Neck T-shirt
2. Black Latex Blazer
3. Black Shorts
4. Black Denim Studed Ankle Boots
5. Black Leather Guess Tote Bag
i love the bag so much...!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Before JGTC

um, two pics post in a row..!! I've been busy doing my school project, and i wasnt able to post it until finaly i got a right time to post it, this it me before i went to JGTC or Jazz Goes to Campus
and i was wearing,
1. white shirt with random patern on it
2. im never bored of it, "Acid Washed Blue Jeans"
3. Leather Brown Boots
4. Gems Berclet
my friend said, i was Fabulous in it...!! is that true???

Last Saturday Night Out

well here its me again...!! it was last satuday actually, i was wearing
1. Patern Insight T-Shirt
2. Acid Washed Blue jeans
3. Strings Sandals
what do you think?

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